Welcome to the magical world of Agicastrum, inspired by the exciting literary work of Alec L. Wolf. This app was carefully designed to transport you to a universe full of magic, mystery and friendship.Agicastrum started as a simple WhatsApp friendship group, but has grown and evolved to create its own unique universe. Now, you can be part of this magical world and discover what kind of wizard is inside you.In this app, you will find a variety of minigames and quizzes that will test your skills and reveal your true potential as a wizard. Are you a potions master, a skilled summoner, or perhaps a deep connoisseur of ancient magic?Challenge yourself in exciting minigames that will test your dexterity and magical reasoning. Solve riddles, mysteries and challenges that unfold in this captivating universe.As you progress, unlock secrets, stories and hidden elements that will make your journey unique. Share your experience with your friends and find out who is the most talented wizard among you.Agicastrum is not just a game, it is a magical adventure that will take you to a kingdom full of wonders and surprises. Get ready to explore, learn and, above all, believe in magic.Download now and embark on this exciting journey to discover the wizard that you are. Join the magic of Agicastrum!